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            Billboards and their locations.


*Click on location Icons to See Exact Locations

              Currently Available

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 2A

By Letlhakane Junction A14 Serowe/ Orapa Highway. 1km after New Letlhakane Stadium towards New Teemane mall.

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 2B

By Letlhakane Junction, A14 Serowe/ Orapa Highway.3km after New Teemane Mall. Northbound.

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 3A

Along A14 Orapa/Serowe highway after letlhakane juction Westbound

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 5A

Letlhakane - A14 Serowe/Orapa Highway.Towards Thakadu Hotel/ new stadium.

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 7A

Letlhakane - A14 Orapa/ Serowe Highway. 1.6km before new Teemane Mall. Southbound.

Anchor 1


     (For next available date contact us)

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 1A

Along A14 Orapa/Serowe highway entering town. Westbound traffic

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 4A

Letlhakane. Along A14 Orapa/ Serowe Highway at Mopipi/ Maun Junction. Eastbound

Billboard ICON-01.png

 LT 3B

Letlhakane A14 Orapa/Serowe towards Letlhakane junction.Southbound

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Legola Media

Plot 22995, Nkoyaphiri Industrial , Mogoditshane, Gaborone

Tel: 392 4216

Mobile: 7274 1620

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